Porsche Dealership FAIL! And the Darker Side of GT Car Allocations

This, sadly, is an episode we hoped we would NEVER have to make.
And yes, it’s a rant, but this time, about our main Porsche dealership.
This week’s episode is about a failure of customer service at a major Porsche dealer – what happened, and how it was handled. But we also touch on a darker side of Porsche new car buying – how Porsche dealers are handling the allocation of the more special GT cars, and whether we are prepared to play the game for the new 992 generation.
Ask yourself this:
Do you feel valued by your car dealer?
Do you believe it when they say they are working on your behalf to get the cars you want?
Do you think they actually care about your long term business?
If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then you may be shocked by the content of this episode. If the answer’s no, then prepare to have your suspicions confirmed.
Now, an even stickier question:
Have you ever been asked to buy cars you don’t want, just to qualify for the ones you do?
Does this make you feel dirty?
If the answer’s “yes” , this week’s episode is for you.
Does this episode mean we will now be blacklisted by this dealership for daring to criticise it? Possibly.
Were we ever in line to get one of the 992 GT cars anyway? No.
Is it better to reveal this situation to CarGuys viewers and Porsche itself. Yes.