APOCALYPSE DEFENDER! Driving The World’s Most CRAZY Heavily Modified Land Rover

If the world collapses into chaos. If the zombies take over and you need to get across country… fast. Look no further ladies and gentlemen, you need this. You need the Apocalypse Defender!
Join TheCarGuys this week for a detailed look and drive of this heavily customised passion project that cost over £120,000 above the price of the donor vehicle, and contains some unique details that I promise YOU WILL HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE.
How fast does it go? What’s the fuel economy? What mods have been added to the car? How much does it cost? What the hell is that gearstick? Does it really come with two pick-axes? What on earth is that interior made of? How many shotguns can you fit into it? All these questions and more will be answered in this week’s episode.